Mr. McNamara:

It has come to our attention that you recently added a "Note" to your TEMPEST Monitoring devices website.  This Note included a monologue regarding some negative usenet posts pertainingour company and one of its principals, Frank Jones.  Be advised that most of those defamatory posts emanated from anonymous foreign free email and website servers.

Be also advised that an action has been initiated and we are in the process of identifying the person or persons responsible for that defamatory material about our company, our principals and our products, including The Digital Detective Workshop.  In light of this, we take exception to your note on your website, identified below:

Note: A fair number of readers have sent me e-mail regarding Mr. Jones and his credibility.  Jones has stirred up a fair amount of controversy over the years in various USENET newsgroups.  The purpose of the Complete, Unofficial TEMPEST Information Page is to provide source material on TEMPEST.  I'll leave it up to the reader to perform their own due diligence on Mr. Jones, and make their own opinions.

I also attach a copy of the action that has been started against this person or persons in this matter, in both .wpd and .html format.

The negative links have nothing to do with TEMPEST

The links, and all the emails regarding Mr. Jones' credibility in your Note, have nothing to do with TEMPEST, and are totally inappropriate for your website.  As I understand, Mr. Jones was instrumental in providing information when you began your studies of TEMPEST, yet you reward him with this unnecessary editorial comment.

In fairness, you have a choice:  either remove the Note, or remove your references and links to the Mr. Jones and Codex TEMPEST pages.

With regard to the number of defamatory emails, I would appreciate it if you would forward those emails, headers included, to me at the above address, or fax them to 1-914-627-0211.

I hope this clarifies our position with regard to this matter.

If you have any questions regarding the above, feel free to contact me toll-free at 1-877-627-0011.

Terrrance L. Kawles, Esq.
Vice President-General Counsel
Codex Data Systems, Inc.
167 Route 304
Bardonia, New York 10954
Tel: 914-627-0011
Fax: 914-627-0211
Company E-mail:
Direct E-mail:
Web: <>